“AeroBarrier is up to 3 x FASTER than traditional sealing methods”
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“AeroBarrier is up to 3 x FASTER than traditional sealing methods”
AeroBarrier has many benefits that go beyond just energy savings and the guarantee of meeting any requirement.
Lower Labor Cost
Remove Costly Re-testing
Get a True R-Value
Right Size Mechanical
Enhance Renewables
AeroBarrier removes the labor inconsistencies of time and quality, placing air sealing in a single,
guaranteed process.
Air sealing isn’t just the responsibility of framers, drywallers and insulation companies. With an average of 22 sub-contractors involved in a single build, it becomes difficult to manage air sealing from start to finish.
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AeroBarrier’s guaranteed air sealing lets your insulation materials perform as they were designed.
While the AeroBarrier Connect air sealing system does not provide an insulation value, it does address all the air leakage. Removing air leakage is key to the performance of any insulation. If outside temperatures can flow freely into a wall/floor/roof system, then the “true” R-Value is diminished.
These are savings you can both recover and pass along to your homeowners for a more attractive offer.
A tighter home, that can be controlled through mechanical ventilation, such as ERV’s or HRV’s, offers many cost saving benefits. Right off the top, you will be able to shave off the tonnage on HVAC equipment and reduce the duct work size. A reduction in just 0.5 tons for an HVAC system can save over $800 per build.
Contact us on: 01432 513 499 or enquiries@aerobarrieruk.co.uk