Ian and Sandra Taylor knew they wanted their new build to meet Passivhaus’ rigorous design standards. The aspirational home-builders weren’t the only ones who would reap the benefits if they achieved their ambition: Ian’s parents, who are moving into the annexe, would also enjoy better air quality and lower energy costs.
Fascinated with the whole build process, the Taylors took a hands-on approach to the construction of their new home. This not only allowed Ian and Sandra to see how different tradespeople worked together, it also allowed them to share their recently-acquired knowledge of Passivhaus standards to ensure everyone could help them achieve their ambition. The Taylors’ drive was such that it prompted Ian to collect some materials from builders’ merchants (despite working full-time as an engineer). Picking up shorter screws to use on external walls, for example, helped minimise the risk of unnecessary piercings in the build. Ian and Sandra both knew the aggregate of many small gains like this would help them towards creating a building that met Passivhaus’ stringent standards.
But it was Aerobarrier that made the most significant contribution to the outstanding airtightness levels Ian and Sandra’s new building ultimately achieved.
The Taylors met our team at a housebuilding event in Birmingham and were quick to understand how we could help them achieve their goal.
“Before we installed the Aerobarrier system, the first airtightness reading we had achieved was around 0.74 ACH [air changes per hour],” says Ian. “In under two hours, the Aerobarrier team got that down to 0.09 ACH. That’s fantastic. This reading is massively below the Passivhaus standard of 0.60 ACH.
“This means our energy bills will be much lower than they were in our previous home even though this one, with the annexe incorporated, is far bigger,” Ian continues. “It’s also good news for my parents as Aerobarrier’s ultra-low VOC certified sealant* means the air within the property is healthier than that within conventional buildings. This is because a well-sealed home minimises the amount of pollutants that can seep in through gaps in its shell.
“Aerobarrier is a win-win for our whole family. We definitely recommend all new homebuilders invest in Aerobarrier. Like us, they’ll recoup the costs over time from their lower energy bills while living in a much healthier home.”
Learn how Aerobarrier can find the invisible gaps in your new house-building project.
* Ultra-low VOC (volatile organic compounds) helps improve the air quality within a building.
Air tightness aim
At or below Passivhaus standards of 0.60 ACH
Pre seal achievement
0.74 ACH50
Post seal achievement
0.09 ACH50
Total unwanted draught reduction
86 per cent